"auth.landing.loginButtonLabel" = "Login"; "auth.login.missingUsernameError" = "Missing username"; "auth.login.missingPasswordError" = "Missing password"; "auth.login.title" = "Welcome back!"; "auth.login.usernameOrMatrixIdInputLabel" = "Username or Matrix ID"; "auth.login.usernameOrMatrixIdInputPlaceholder" = "Who are you?"; "auth.login.passwordInputLabel" = "Password"; "auth.login.passwordInputPlaceholder" = "Shh don't tell"; "auth.login.homeserverInputLabel" = "Homeserver"; "auth.login.homeserverInputPlaceholder" = "Homeserver"; "auth.login.basicLabel" = "Basic"; "auth.login.advancedLabel" = "Advanced"; "auth.login.loginButtonLabel" = "Login"; "auth.login.somethingWrongError" = "Looks like something went wrong: \n\n{{errorText}}\n\n Try again!"; "auth.login.forbiddenError" = "Wrong username/password or homeserver"; "auth.login.userDeactivatedError" = "This user has been deactivated. Please contact your homeserver"; "auth.login.limitExceededError" = "Too many requests. Try again in a few minutes."; "auth.login.unknownError" = "An unknown error occured with the homeserver"; "auth.login.noResponseError" = "The homeserver provided is not a Matrix homeserver or it is unreachable"; "auth.login.invalidUsernameError" = "There can only be one colon (:) in a matrix user id"; "auth.login.noStoredCredentialsError" = "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again"; "auth.login.unknownTokenError" = "The token is no longer valid. We must have been disconnected."; "auth.login.invalidHomeserverError" = "This does not appear to be a matrix homeserver"; "messages.composer.placeholder" = "Type a Message…"; "messages.content.groupTyping" = "{{user1}} and {{others}} others are typing…"; "messages.content.typing" = "{{name}} is typing…"; "messages.content.contentNotUploaded" = "The file could not be uploaded"; "messages.content.imageSent" = "{{sender}} sent an image"; "messages.content.memberInvited" = "{{sender}} invited user {{user}} to join the chat"; "messages.content.memberJoined" = "{{sender}} joined the chat"; "messages.content.memberLeft" = "{{sender}} left the chat"; "messages.content.membershipNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support the membership \"{{membership}}\" yet"; "messages.content.memberAvatarRemoved" = "{{sender}} removed their avatar"; "messages.content.memberAvatarChanged" = "{{sender}} changed their avatar"; "messages.content.memberDisplayNameChanged" = "{{prevSender}} changed their name to {{newSender}}"; "messages.content.chatCreated" = "{{sender}} created the chat\nHooray!"; "messages.content.chatNameChanged" = "{{sender}} changed the chat name to \"{{name}}\""; "messages.content.chatAvatarChanged" = "{{sender}} changed the chat avatar"; "messages.content.chatDescriptionChanged" = "{{sender}} changed the chat description"; "messages.content.chatSettingsChanged" = "{{sender}} changed the chat settings"; "messages.content.encryptNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support encrypted messages yet"; "messages.content.locationSharingNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support location sharing yet"; "messages.content.fileSharingNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support file sharing yet"; "messages.content.audioNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support audio files yet"; "messages.content.videoFilesNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support video files yet"; "messages.content.typeNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support the type \"{{type}}\" yet"; "messages.content.eventRedacted" = "This event has been redacted"; "messages.content.stickersNotSupport" = "Ditto does not support stickers yet"; "messages.content.thirdPartyInvite" = "{{sender}} sent a third party invite"; "settings.chooseAvatarLabel" = "Choose avatar"; "settings.chooseLanguage" = "Choose Language"; "settings.title" = "Settings"; "settings.displayNameInputPlaceholder" = "Set display name"; "settings.displayNameInputLabel" = "Display Name"; "settings.notificationsEnabledLabel" = "Enable Notiifications"; "settings.androidOnlyDescription" = "Android only (for now!)"; "settings.versionLabel" = "{{app}} Version"; "settings.appearance.title" = "Appearance"; "settings.appearance.darkMode" = "Dark Mode"; "settings.appearance.language" = "Language"; "settings.privacy.title" = "Privacy"; "settings.privacy.errorReporting" = "Error Reporting"; "settings.privacy.errorReportingDesc" = "Enable to send bug reports to the developer"; "settings.links.title" = "Links"; "settings.links.websiteLinkLabel" = "Website"; "settings.links.privacyPolicyLinkLabel" = "Privacy Policy"; "settings.links.requestFeatureLinkLabel" = "Request a Feature"; "settings.links.reportProblemLinkLabel" = "Report a Problem"; "settings.logoutButtonLabel" = "Logout"; "newChat.title" = "New Chat"; "newChat.userSearch.usersInputPlaceholder" = "Who do you want to chat with?"; "newChat.userSearch.userInvalidNotice" = "Please enter a valid user"; "newChat.userSearch.usersExcessiveNotice" = "Sorry, you can enter a maximum of 10 users"; "newChat.details.title" = "Chat Details"; "newChat.details.chatNameInputLabel" = "Chat Name (Optional)"; "newChat.details.chatNameInputPlaceholder" = "Ex. My Awesome Room"; "newChat.details.privateTitle" = "Private"; "newChat.details.privateDescription" = "A private chat is only open to those you invite."; "newChat.details.createChatButtonLabel" = "Create Chat"; "home.title" = "Chats"; "home.tab.messages" = "Messages"; "home.tab.groups" = "Groups";