"summary_message" = "%1$s: %2$s"; "summary_user_sent_image" = "%1$s lähetti kuvan."; "summary_user_sent_sticker" = "%1$s lähetti tarran."; "notice_room_invite_no_invitee" = "Käyttäjän %s kutsu"; "notice_room_invite" = "%1$s kutsui käyttäjän %2$s"; "notice_room_invite_you" = "%1$s kutsui sinut"; "notice_room_join" = "%1$s liittyi"; "notice_room_leave" = "%1$s poistui"; "notice_room_reject" = "%1$s hylkäsi kutsun"; "notice_room_kick" = "%1$s poisti käyttäjän %2$s"; "notice_room_unban" = "%1$s poisti porttikiellon käyttäjältä %2$s"; "notice_room_ban" = "%1$s antoi porttikiellon käyttäjälle %2$s"; "notice_room_withdraw" = "%1$s veti takaisin kutsun käyttäjälle %2$s"; "notice_avatar_url_changed" = "%1$s vaihtoi profiilikuvaansa"; "notice_display_name_set" = "%1$s asetti näyttönimekseen %2$s"; "notice_display_name_changed_from" = "%1$s muutti näyttönimensä nimestä %2$s nimeen %3$s"; "notice_display_name_removed" = "%1$s poisti näyttönimensä (%2$s)"; "notice_room_topic_changed" = "%1$s vaihtoi aiheeksi: %2$s"; "notice_room_name_changed" = "%1$s vaihtoi huoneen nimeksi %2$s"; "notice_placed_video_call" = "%s soitti videopuhelun."; "notice_placed_voice_call" = "%s soitti äänipuhelun."; "notice_answered_call" = "%s vastasi puheluun."; "notice_ended_call" = "%s lopetti puhelun."; "notice_made_future_room_visibility" = "%1$s muutti tulevan huonehistorian näkyväksi seuraaville: %2$s"; "notice_room_visibility_invited" = "kaikki huoneen jäsenet, kutsumisestaan asti."; "notice_room_visibility_joined" = "kaikki huoneen jäsenet, liittymisestään asti."; "notice_room_visibility_shared" = "kaikki huoneen jäsenet."; "notice_room_visibility_world_readable" = "kaikki."; "notice_room_visibility_unknown" = "tuntematon (%s)."; "notice_end_to_end" = "%1$s otti käyttöön osapuolten välisen salauksen (%2$s)"; "notice_room_update" = "%s päivitti tämän huoneen."; "notice_requested_voip_conference" = "%1$s lähetti VoIP-konferenssipyynnön"; "notice_voip_started" = "VoIP-konferenssi alkoi"; "notice_voip_finished" = "VoIP-konferenssi päättyi"; "notice_avatar_changed_too" = "(myös kuva vaihdettiin)"; "notice_room_name_removed" = "%1$s poisti huoneen nimen"; "notice_room_topic_removed" = "%1$s poisti huoneen aiheen"; "notice_event_redacted" = "Viesti poistettu"; "notice_event_redacted_by" = "%1$s poisti viestin"; "notice_event_redacted_with_reason" = "Viesti poistettu [syy: %1$s]"; "notice_event_redacted_by_with_reason" = "%1$s poisti viestin [syy: %2$s]"; "notice_profile_change_redacted" = "%1$s päivitti profiilinsa %2$s"; "notice_room_third_party_invite" = "%1$s lähetti liittymiskutsun huoneeseen käyttäjälle %2$s"; "notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite" = "%1$s veti takaisin käyttäjän %2$s liittymiskutsun huoneeseen"; "notice_room_third_party_registered_invite" = "%1$s hyväksyi kutsun käyttäjän %2$s puolesta"; "notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt" = "** Salauksen purku epäonnistui: %s **"; "notice_crypto_error_unkwown_inbound_session_id" = "Lähettäjän laite ei ole lähettänyt avaimia tähän viestiin."; Messages "message_reply_to_prefix" = "Vastauksena käyttäjälle"; Room Screen "could_not_redact" = "Takaisinveto epäonnistui"; "unable_to_send_message" = "Viestin lähetys epäonnistui"; "message_failed_to_upload" = "Kuvan lataaminen epäonnistui"; general errors "network_error" = "Verkkovirhe"; "matrix_error" = "Matrix-virhe"; Home Screen Last seen time call events room error messages "room_error_join_failed_empty_room" = "Tällä hetkellä ei ole mahdollista liittyä uudelleen tyhjään huoneeseen."; "encrypted_message" = "Salattu viesti"; medium friendly name "medium_email" = "Sähköpostiosoite"; "medium_phone_number" = "Puhelinnumero"; Reply to "reply_to_an_image" = "lähetti kuvan."; "reply_to_a_video" = "lähetti videon."; "reply_to_an_audio_file" = "lähetti äänitiedoston."; "reply_to_a_file" = "lähetti tiedoston."; Room display name "room_displayname_invite_from" = "Kutsu käyttäjältä %s"; Grammar problem "room_displayname_room_invite" = "Huonekutsu"; The 2 parameters will be members' name "room_displayname_two_members" = "%1$s ja %2$s"; "room_displayname_three_and_more_members" = "%1$s ja yksi muu"; "room_displayname_empty_room" = "Tyhjä huone"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_dog" = "Koira"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cat" = "Kissa"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_lion" = "Leijona"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_horse" = "Hevonen"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_unicorn" = "Yksisarvinen"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pig" = "Sika"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_elephant" = "Norsu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_rabbit" = "Kani"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_panda" = "Panda"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_rooster" = "Kukko"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_penguin" = "Pingviini"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_turtle" = "Kilpikonna"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_fish" = "Kala"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_octopus" = "Tursas"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_butterfly" = "Perhonen"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_flower" = "Kukka"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_tree" = "Puu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cactus" = "Kaktus"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_mushroom" = "Sieni"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_globe" = "Maapallo"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_moon" = "Kuu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cloud" = "Pilvi"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_fire" = "Tuli"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_banana" = "Banaani"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_apple" = "Omena"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_strawberry" = "Mansikka"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_corn" = "Maissi"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pizza" = "Pizza"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cake" = "Kakku"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_heart" = "Sydän"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_smiley" = "Hymiö"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_robot" = "Robotti"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_hat" = "Hattu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_glasses" = "Silmälasit"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_wrench" = "Jakoavain"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_santa" = "Joulupukki"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_thumbsup" = "Peukut ylös"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_umbrella" = "Sateenvarjo"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_hourglass" = "Tiimalasi"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_clock" = "Kello"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_gift" = "Lahja"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_lightbulb" = "Hehkulamppu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_book" = "Kirja"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pencil" = "Lyijykynä"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_paperclip" = "Klemmari"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_scissors" = "Sakset"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_lock" = "Lukko"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_key" = "Avain"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_hammer" = "Vasara"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_telephone" = "Puhelin"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_flag" = "Lippu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_train" = "Juna"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_bicycle" = "Polkupyörä"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_airplane" = "Lentokone"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_rocket" = "Raketti"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_trophy" = "Palkinto"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_ball" = "Pallo"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_guitar" = "Kitara"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_trumpet" = "Trumpetti"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_bell" = "Soittokello"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_anchor" = "Ankkuri"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_headphone" = "Kuulokkeet"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_folder" = "Kansio"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pin" = "Nuppineula";