"summary_message" = "%1$s : %2$s"; "summary_user_sent_image" = "%1$s a envoyé une image."; "summary_user_sent_sticker" = "%1$s a envoyé un sticker."; "notice_room_invite_no_invitee" = "invitation de %s"; "notice_room_invite" = "%1$s a invité %2$s"; "notice_room_invite_you" = "%1$s vous a invité"; "notice_room_join" = "%1$s a rejoint la discussion"; "notice_room_leave" = "%1$s est parti"; "notice_room_reject" = "%1$s a rejeté l’invitation"; "notice_room_kick" = "%1$s a expulsé %2$s"; "notice_room_unban" = "%1$s a révoqué le bannissement de %2$s"; "notice_room_ban" = "%1$s a banni %2$s"; "notice_room_withdraw" = "%1$s a annulé l’invitation de %2$s"; "notice_avatar_url_changed" = "%1$s a changé d’avatar"; "notice_display_name_set" = "%1$s a modifié son nom affiché en %2$s"; "notice_display_name_changed_from" = "%1$s a modifié son nom affiché %2$s en %3$s"; "notice_display_name_removed" = "%1$s a supprimé son nom affiché (%2$s)"; "notice_room_topic_changed" = "%1$s a changé le sujet en : %2$s"; "notice_room_name_changed" = "%1$s a changé le nom du salon en : %2$s"; "notice_placed_video_call" = "%s a passé un appel vidéo."; "notice_placed_voice_call" = "%s a passé un appel vocal."; "notice_answered_call" = "%s a répondu à l’appel."; "notice_ended_call" = "%s a raccroché."; "notice_made_future_room_visibility" = "%1$s a rendu l’historique futur du salon visible pour %2$s"; "notice_room_visibility_invited" = "tous les membres du salon, depuis qu’ils ont été invités."; "notice_room_visibility_joined" = "tous les membres du salon, depuis qu’ils l’ont rejoint."; "notice_room_visibility_shared" = "tous les membres du salon."; "notice_room_visibility_world_readable" = "n’importe qui."; "notice_room_visibility_unknown" = "inconnu (%s)."; "notice_end_to_end" = "%1$s a activé le chiffrement de bout en bout (%2$s)"; "notice_room_update" = "%s a mis à niveau ce salon."; "notice_requested_voip_conference" = "%1$s a demandé une téléconférence VoIP"; "notice_voip_started" = "Téléconférence VoIP démarrée"; "notice_voip_finished" = "Téléconférence VoIP terminée"; "notice_avatar_changed_too" = "(l’avatar a aussi changé)"; "notice_room_name_removed" = "%1$s a supprimé le nom du salon"; "notice_room_topic_removed" = "%1$s a supprimé le sujet du salon"; "notice_event_redacted" = "Message supprimé"; "notice_event_redacted_by" = "Message supprimé par %1$s"; "notice_event_redacted_with_reason" = "Message supprimé [motif : %1$s]"; "notice_event_redacted_by_with_reason" = "Message supprimé par %1$s [motif : %2$s]"; "notice_profile_change_redacted" = "%1$s a mis à jour son profil %2$s"; "notice_room_third_party_invite" = "%1$s a envoyé une invitation à %2$s pour rejoindre le salon"; "notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite" = "%1$s a révoqué l’invitation pour %2$s à rejoindre le salon"; "notice_room_third_party_registered_invite" = "%1$s a accepté l’invitation pour %2$s"; "notice_crypto_unable_to_decrypt" = "** Déchiffrement impossible : %s **"; "notice_crypto_error_unkwown_inbound_session_id" = "L’appareil de l’expéditeur ne nous a pas envoyé les clés pour ce message."; Messages "message_reply_to_prefix" = "En réponse à"; Room Screen "could_not_redact" = "Effacement impossible"; "unable_to_send_message" = "Envoi du message impossible"; "message_failed_to_upload" = "L’envoi de l’image a échoué"; general errors "network_error" = "Erreur de réseau"; "matrix_error" = "Erreur de Matrix"; Home Screen Last seen time call events room error messages "room_error_join_failed_empty_room" = "Il est impossible pour le moment de revenir dans un salon vide."; "encrypted_message" = "Message chiffré"; medium friendly name "medium_email" = "Adresse e-mail"; "medium_phone_number" = "Numéro de téléphone"; Reply to "reply_to_an_image" = "a envoyé une image."; "reply_to_a_video" = "a envoyé une vidéo."; "reply_to_an_audio_file" = "a envoyé un fichier audio."; "reply_to_a_file" = "a envoyé un fichier."; Room display name "room_displayname_invite_from" = "Invitation de %s"; "room_displayname_room_invite" = "Invitation au salon"; The 2 parameters will be members' name "room_displayname_two_members" = "%1$s et %2$s"; "room_displayname_three_and_more_members" = "%1$s et 1 autre"; "room_displayname_empty_room" = "Salon vide"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_dog" = "Chien"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cat" = "Chat"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_lion" = "Lion"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_horse" = "Cheval"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_unicorn" = "Licorne"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pig" = "Cochon"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_elephant" = "Éléphant"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_rabbit" = "Lapin"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_panda" = "Panda"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_rooster" = "Coq"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_penguin" = "Manchot"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_turtle" = "Tortue"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_fish" = "Poisson"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_octopus" = "Pieuvre"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_butterfly" = "Papillon"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_flower" = "Fleur"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_tree" = "Arbre"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cactus" = "Cactus"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_mushroom" = "Champignon"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_globe" = "Terre"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_moon" = "Lune"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cloud" = "Nuage"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_fire" = "Feu"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_banana" = "Banane"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_apple" = "Pomme"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_strawberry" = "Fraise"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_corn" = "Maïs"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pizza" = "Pizza"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_cake" = "Gâteau"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_heart" = "Cœur"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_smiley" = "Smiley"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_robot" = "Robot"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_hat" = "Chapeau"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_glasses" = "Lunettes"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_wrench" = "Clé plate"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_santa" = "Père Noël"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_thumbsup" = "Pouce levé"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_umbrella" = "Parapluie"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_hourglass" = "Sablier"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_clock" = "Horloge"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_gift" = "Cadeau"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_lightbulb" = "Ampoule"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_book" = "Livre"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pencil" = "Crayon"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_paperclip" = "Trombone"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_scissors" = "Ciseaux"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_lock" = "Cadenas"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_key" = "Clé"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_hammer" = "Marteau"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_telephone" = "Téléphone"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_flag" = "Drapeau"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_train" = "Train"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_bicycle" = "Vélo"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_airplane" = "Avion"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_rocket" = "Fusée"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_trophy" = "Trophée"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_ball" = "Balle"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_guitar" = "Guitare"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_trumpet" = "Trompette"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_bell" = "Cloche"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_anchor" = "Ancre"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_headphone" = "Écouteurs"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_folder" = "Dossier"; All translations should be the same across all Riot clients, please use the same translation than RiotWeb "verification_emoji_pin" = "Épingle";