/** General **/ "Notification" = "Avisering"; /** Titles **/ /* Message title for a specific person in a named room */ /* Message title for a specific person in a named room */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE" = "%@ i %@"; /* New message reply from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "REPLY_FROM_USER_TITLE" = "%@ svarade"; /* New message reply from a specific person in a named room. */ "REPLY_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_TITLE" = "%@ svarade i %@"; /** Single, end-to-end encrypted messages (ie. we don't know what they say) */ /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room */ /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room */ "MSG_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade ett meddelande"; /* New message from a specific person in a named room */ /* New message from a specific person in a named room */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ postade i %@"; /** Single, unencrypted messages (where we can include the content */ /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room. Content included. */ /* New message from a specific person, not referencing a room. Content included. */ "MSG_FROM_USER_WITH_CONTENT" = "%@: %@"; /* New message from a specific person in a named room. Content included. */ /* New message from a specific person in a named room. Content included. */ "MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_WITH_CONTENT" = "%@ i %@: %@"; /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "ACTION_FROM_USER" = "* %@ %@"; /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ "ACTION_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@: * %@ %@"; /** Media Messages **/ /* New image message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "PICTURE_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade en bild"; /* New image message from a specific person in a named room. */ /* New action message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ /* New action message from a specific person in a named room. */ "IMAGE_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM" = "%@ skickade en bild %@ i %@"; /* New video message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "VIDEO_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade en video"; /* New audio message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "AUDIO_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade en ljudfil %@"; /* New voice message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "VOICE_MESSAGE_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade ett röstmeddelande"; /* New file message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "FILE_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade en fil %@"; /* New file message from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "LOCATION_FROM_USER" = "%@ delade sin plats"; /* A single unread message in a room */ /* A single unread message in a room */ "SINGLE_UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "Du fick ett meddelande i %@"; /* A single unread message */ /* A single unread message */ "SINGLE_UNREAD" = "Du fick ett meddelande"; /* Sticker from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ /* Sticker from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "STICKER_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade en dekal"; /* New voice broadcast from a specific person, not referencing a room. */ "VOICE_BROADCAST_FROM_USER" = "%@ påbörjade en röstsändning"; /** Notification messages **/ /* New message indicator on unknown room */ /* New message indicator on unknown room */ "MESSAGE" = "Meddelande"; /* New message indicator from a DM */ /* New message indicator from a DM */ "MESSAGE_FROM_X" = "Meddelande från %@"; /* New message indicator on a room */ /* New message indicator on a room */ "MESSAGE_IN_X" = "Meddelande i %@"; /* New message with hidden content due to PIN enabled */ "MESSAGE_PROTECTED" = "Nytt meddelande"; /** Coalesced messages **/ /* Multiple unread messages in a room */ /* Multiple unread messages in a room */ "UNREAD_IN_ROOM" = "%@ nya meddelanden i %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from a specific person, not referencing a room */ /* Multiple unread messages from a specific person, not referencing a room */ "MSGS_FROM_USER" = "%@ nya meddelanden i %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from two people */ /* Multiple unread messages from two people */ "MSGS_FROM_TWO_USERS" = "%@ nya meddelanden från %@ och %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from three people */ /* Multiple unread messages from three people */ "MSGS_FROM_THREE_USERS" = "%@ nya meddelanden från %@, %@ och %@"; /* Multiple unread messages from two plus people (ie. for 4+ people: 'others' replaces the third person) */ /* Multiple unread messages from two plus people (ie. for 4+ people: 'others' replaces the third person) */ "MSGS_FROM_TWO_PLUS_USERS" = "%@ nya meddelanden från %@, %@ och andra"; /* Multiple messages in two rooms */ /* Multiple messages in two rooms */ "MSGS_IN_TWO_ROOMS" = "%@ nya meddelanden från %@ och %@"; /* Look, stuff's happened, alright? Just open the app. */ /* Look, stuff's happened, alright? Just open the app. */ "MSGS_IN_TWO_PLUS_ROOMS" = "%@ nya meddelanden i %@, %@ och andra"; /** Reactions **/ /* A user has reacted to a message, including the reaction e.g. "Alice reacted 👍". */ "REACTION_FROM_USER" = "%@ reagerade %@"; /* A user has reacted to a message, but the reaction content is unknown */ "GENERIC_REACTION_FROM_USER" = "%@ skickade en reaktion"; /** Invites **/ /* A user has invited you to a chat */ /* A user has invited you to a chat */ "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT" = "%@ har bjudit in dig för att chatta"; /* A user has invited you to an (unamed) group chat */ /* A user has invited you to an (unamed) group chat */ "USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT_GROUP_CHAT" = "%@ har bjudit in dig till en gruppchatt"; /* A user has invited you to a named room */ /* A user has invited you to a named room */ "USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM" = "%@ har bjudit in dig till %@"; /** Membership Updates **/ /* A user has change their name to a new name */ /* A user has change their name to a new name */ "USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME" = "%@ bytte namn till %@"; /* A user has change their name to a new name which we don't know */ "GENERIC_USER_UPDATED_DISPLAYNAME" = "%@ bytte namn"; /* A user has change their avatar */ "USER_UPDATED_AVATAR" = "%@ bytte avatar"; /* A user's membership has updated in an unknown way */ "USER_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATED" = "%@ uppdaterade sin profil"; /** Calls **/ /* Incoming one-to-one voice call */ /* Incoming one-to-one voice call */ "VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER" = "Samtal från %@"; /* Incoming one-to-one video call */ /* Incoming one-to-one video call */ "VIDEO_CALL_FROM_USER" = "Videosamtal från %@"; /* Incoming unnamed voice conference invite from a specific person */ /* Incoming unnamed voice conference invite from a specific person */ "VOICE_CONF_FROM_USER" = "Gruppsamtal från %@"; /* Incoming unnamed video conference invite from a specific person */ /* Incoming unnamed video conference invite from a specific person */ "VIDEO_CONF_FROM_USER" = "Videogruppsamtal från %@"; /* Incoming named voice conference invite from a specific person */ /* Incoming named voice conference invite from a specific person */ "VOICE_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "Gruppsamtal från %@: '%@'"; /* Incoming named video conference invite from a specific person */ /* Incoming named video conference invite from a specific person */ "VIDEO_CONF_NAMED_FROM_USER" = "Videogruppsamtal från %@: '%@'"; /* A user added a Jitsi call to a room */ "GROUP_CALL_STARTED" = "Gruppsamtal startat"; /* Group call from user, CallKit caller name */ "GROUP_CALL_FROM_USER" = "%@ (Gruppsamtal)"; /** Key verification **/ "KEY_VERIFICATION_REQUEST_FROM_USER" = "%@ vill verifiera";