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Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number.
Key English Basque State
joining_room Joining room… Gelara elkartzen…
message_view_edit_history View Edit History Ikusi edizioen historiala
terms_of_service Terms of Service Erabilera baldintzak
review_terms Review Terms Irakurri baldintzak
terms_description_for_identity_server Be discoverable by others Izan besteentzat aurkigarria
terms_description_for_integration_manager Use Bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs Erabili botak, zubiak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak
read_at Read at Irakurri hemen
identity_server Identity server Identitate-zerbitzaria
disconnect_identity_server Disconnect identity server Deskonektatu identitate-zerbitzaria
add_identity_server Configure identity server Konfiguratu identitate-zerbitzaria
change_identity_server Change identity server Aldatu identitate-zerbitzaria
settings_discovery_identity_server_info You are currently using %1$s to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Orain %1$s erabiltzen ari zara ezagunak aurkitzeko eta ezagunek zu aurkitzeko.
settings_discovery_identity_server_info_none You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, configure one below. Orain ez duzu identitate-zerbitzaririk erabiltzen. Kontaktuak aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko, gehitu bat azpian.
settings_discovery_emails_title Discoverable email addresses E-mail helbide aurkigarria
settings_discovery_no_mails Discovery options will appear once you have added an email. Aurkitze aukerak behin e-mail bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.
settings_discovery_no_msisdn Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number. Aurkitze aukerak behin telefono zenbaki bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.
settings_discovery_disconnect_identity_server_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and you won’t be able to invite others by email or phone. Identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean beste erabiltzaileek ezin izango zaituzte e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu, eta zuk ezin izango dituzu e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu.
settings_discovery_msisdn_title Discoverable phone numbers Telefono zenbaki aurkigarriak
settings_discovery_confirm_mail We sent you a confirm email to %s, check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_confirm_mail_not_clicked We sent you a confirm email to %s, please first check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_mail_pending Pending Egiteke
settings_discovery_enter_identity_server Enter an identity server URL Sartu identitate-zerbitzari URLa
settings_discovery_bad_identity_server Could not connect to identity server Ezin izan da identitate-zerbitzarira konektatu
settings_discovery_please_enter_server Please enter the identity server url Sartu identitate-zerbitzariaren URL-a
settings_discovery_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik
settings_discovery_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu
settings_text_message_sent A text message has been sent to %s. Please enter the verification code it contains. SMS mezu bat bidali zaizu %s zenbakira. Sartu hemen mezu horrek daukan egiaztatze-kodea.
settings_text_message_sent_wrong_code The verification code is not correct. Egiaztaketa kodea ez da zuzena.
settings_discovery_disconnect_with_bound_pid You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server %1$s. You will need to reconnect to %2$s to stop sharing them. Orain e-mail helbideak edo telefono zenbakiak partekatzen dituzu %1$s zerbitzarian. %2$s zerbitzarira konektatu beharko zara partekatzeari uzteko.
settings_agree_to_terms Agree to the identity server (%s) Terms of Service to allow yourself to be discoverable by email address or phone number. Onartu %s identitate-zerbitzariaren erabilera baldintzak besteek zu e-mail helbidea edo telefonoa erabiliz aurkitzea ahalbidetzeko.
labs_allow_extended_logging Enable verbose logs. Gaitu egunkari xehetsuak.
Key English Basque State
settings_dev_tools Dev Tools Garapen tresnak
settings_discovery_bad_identity_server Could not connect to identity server Ezin izan da identitate-zerbitzarira konektatu
settings_discovery_category Discovery Aurkitzea
settings_discovery_confirm_mail We sent you a confirm email to %s, check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_confirm_mail_not_clicked We sent you a confirm email to %s, please first check your email and click on the confirmation link Berrespen e-mail bat bidali dizugu %s helbidera, begiratu zure e-maila eta sakatu baieztapen esteka
settings_discovery_disconnect_identity_server_info Disconnecting from your identity server will mean you won’t be discoverable by other users and you won’t be able to invite others by email or phone. Identitate-zerbitzaritik deskonektatzean beste erabiltzaileek ezin izango zaituzte e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu, eta zuk ezin izango dituzu e-mail edo telefonoa erabilita aurkitu.
settings_discovery_disconnect_with_bound_pid You are currently sharing email addresses or phone numbers on the identity server %1$s. You will need to reconnect to %2$s to stop sharing them. Orain e-mail helbideak edo telefono zenbakiak partekatzen dituzu %1$s zerbitzarian. %2$s zerbitzarira konektatu beharko zara partekatzeari uzteko.
settings_discovery_emails_title Discoverable email addresses E-mail helbide aurkigarria
settings_discovery_enter_identity_server Enter an identity server URL Sartu identitate-zerbitzari URLa
settings_discovery_identity_server_info You are currently using %1$s to discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know. Orain %1$s erabiltzen ari zara ezagunak aurkitzeko eta ezagunek zu aurkitzeko.
settings_discovery_identity_server_info_none You are not currently using an identity server. To discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know, configure one below. Orain ez duzu identitate-zerbitzaririk erabiltzen. Kontaktuak aurkitzeko eta aurkigarria izateko, gehitu bat azpian.
settings_discovery_mail_pending Pending Egiteke
settings_discovery_manage Manage your discovery settings. Kudeatu aurkitzeko ezarpenak.
settings_discovery_msisdn_title Discoverable phone numbers Telefono zenbaki aurkigarriak
settings_discovery_no_mails Discovery options will appear once you have added an email. Aurkitze aukerak behin e-mail bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.
settings_discovery_no_msisdn Discovery options will appear once you have added a phone number. Aurkitze aukerak behin telefono zenbaki bat gehitu duzunean agertuko dira.
settings_discovery_no_terms The identity server you have chosen does not have any terms of services. Only continue if you trust the owner of the service Hautatu duzun identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik. Jarraitu soilik zerbitzuaren jabea fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu
settings_discovery_no_terms_title Identity server has no terms of services Identitate-zerbitzariak ez du erabilera baldintzarik
settings_discovery_please_enter_server Please enter the identity server url Sartu identitate-zerbitzariaren URL-a
settings_display_name Display Name Pantaila-izena
settings_email_address Email E-mail
settings_enable_all_notif Enable notifications for this account Gaitu jakinarazpenak kontu honetarako
settings_enable_background_sync Enable background sync Gaitu bigarren planoko sinkronizazioa
settings_enable_this_device Enable notifications for this session Gaitu jakinarazpenak saio honetan
settings_expert Expert Aditua
settings_failed_to_get_crypto_device_info No cryptographic information available Ez dago informazio kriptografikorik eskuragarri
settings_fail_to_update_password Failed to update password Huts egin du pasahitza eguneratzean
settings_fail_to_update_password_invalid_current_password The password is not valid Pasahitza baliogabea da
settings_flair Flair Ikurra
settings_general_title General Orokorra
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English Basque
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1245