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Couldn't handle share data
Key English Turkish State
enter_backup_passphrase Enter %s
enter_secret_storage_input_key Select your Recovery Key, or input it manually by typing it or pasting from your clipboard
enter_secret_storage_invalid Cannot find secrets in storage
enter_secret_storage_passphrase Enter secret storage passphrase
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_or_key Use your %1$s or use your %2$s to continue.
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_warning Warning:
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_warning_text You should only access secret storage from a trusted device
error_adding_media_file_to_gallery Could not add media file to the Gallery
error_attachment An error occurred while retrieving the attachment.
error_empty_field_choose_password Please choose a password.
error_empty_field_choose_user_name Please choose a username.
error_empty_field_enter_user_name Please enter a username. Lütfen kullanıcı adı girin.
error_empty_field_your_password Please enter your password. Lütfen şifrenizi girin.
error_failed_to_import_keys Failed to import keys
error_file_too_big The file '%1$s' (%2$s) is too large to upload. The limit is %3$s.
error_handling_incoming_share Couldn't handle share data
error_jitsi_not_supported_on_old_device Sorry, conference calls with Jitsi are not supported on old devices (devices with Android OS below 5.0) Üzgünüz, jitsi konferans aramaları eski cihazlarda desteklenmiyor (Android 5.0 altı)
error_lazy_loading_not_supported_by_home_server Your homeserver does not support lazy loading of room members yet. Try later. Anamakineniz yavaş oda üyeleri yüklemeyi desteklemiyor daha. Daha sonra tekrar deneyin.
error_network_timeout Looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with the server. Please try again in a while.
error_no_external_application_found Sorry, no external application has been found to complete this action. Üzgünüm, bu eylemi gerçekleştirebilecek hiçbir harici uygulama bulunamadı.
error_no_network No network. Please check your Internet connection. Internet yok. Lütfen internet bağlantını kontrol et.
error_terms_not_accepted Please retry once you have accepted the terms and conditions of your homeserver.
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Başka bir anasunucuya bağlanmaya çalışıyorsunuz gibi görünüyor. Çıkış yapmak ister misiniz?
event_redacted Message deleted
event_redacted_by_admin_reason Event moderated by room admin Etkinlik oda yöneticisi tarafından yönetildi
event_redacted_by_admin_reason_with_reason Event moderated by room admin, reason: %1$s
event_redacted_by_user_reason Event deleted by user Etkinlik kullanıcı tarafından silindi
event_redacted_by_user_reason_with_reason Event deleted by user, reason: %1$s
external_link_confirmation_message The link %1$s is taking you to another site: %2$s.

Are you sure you want to continue?
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link


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English Turkish
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml, string 1287