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@nobodyiswatching Joined on Aug. 16, 2017

907 translations 2 suggestions 2 comments


Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
[Deprecated] Riot Android Some of the components within this project have alerts. This translation is locked. 50% 79,578 508,689 7,094 853 186

Nothing to list here.

Project Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
[Deprecated] Riot Android Some of the components within this project have alerts. This translation is locked. 50% 79,578 508,689 7,094 853 186

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Tunjukkan kejadian akun
5 years ago
Invites, kicks, and bans are unaffected.
Undangan, pengeluaran, dan larangan tidak terpengaruh.
5 years ago
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Tunjukkan kejadian bergabung dan meninggalkan
5 years ago
Click on the read receipts for a detailed list.
Klik tanda telah dibaca untuk daftar yang lebih rinci.
5 years ago
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Tunjukkan tanda telah dibaca.
5 years ago
Show read receipts
Tunjukkan tanda telah dibaca.
5 years ago
Format messages using markdown syntax before they are sent. This allows for advanced formatting such as using asterisks to display italic text.
Format pesan menggunakan sintaks markdown sebelum dikirim. Ini mengijinkan format lanjutan seperti menggunakan tanda bintang untuk menunjukkan teks miring.
5 years ago
Markdown formatting
Format markdown
5 years ago
Let other users know that you are typing.
IjinkanBeritahu pengguna lain mengetahuibahwa Anda sedang mengetik.
5 years ago
Let other users know that you are typing.
Ijinkan pengguna lain mengetahui Anda sedang mengetik.
5 years ago
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