
Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
authentication_verify_msisdn_waiting_button Resend code 重发代码
authentication_verify_msisdn_invalid_phone_number Invalid phone number 无效的电话号码
authentication_terms_title Privacy policies 隐私政策
authentication_terms_message Please read %@’s terms and policies 请阅读%@的条款和政策
authentication_terms_policy_url_error Unable to find the selected policy. Please try again later. 无法找到选择的政策。请稍后再试。
authentication_recaptcha_title Are you a human? 你是人吗?
authentication_qr_login_start_title Scan QR code 扫描QR码
authentication_qr_login_start_subtitle Use the camera on this device to scan the QR code shown on your other device: 用此设备的相机扫描显示在你的其他设备上的QR码:
authentication_qr_login_start_step1 Open Element on your other device 打开你的其他设备上的Element
authentication_qr_login_start_step2 Go to Settings -> Security & Privacy 前往设置->安全与隐私
authentication_qr_login_start_step3 Select ‘Link a device’ 选择“关联设备”
authentication_qr_login_start_step4 Select ‘Show QR code on this device’ 选择“在此设备显示QR码”
authentication_qr_login_start_need_alternative Need an alternative method? 需要替代方法?
authentication_qr_login_start_display_qr Show QR code on this device 在此设备显示QR码
authentication_qr_login_display_title Link a device 关联设备
authentication_qr_login_display_subtitle Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out. 用你已登出的设备扫描下面的QR码。
authentication_qr_login_display_step1 Open Element on your other device 在您的其它设备中打开Element
authentication_qr_login_display_step2 Select ‘Sign in with QR code’ 选择“以QR码登入”
authentication_qr_login_scan_title Scan QR code 扫描QR码
authentication_qr_login_scan_subtitle Position the QR code in the square below 将QR码放置在下面的方框中
authentication_qr_login_confirm_title Secure connection established 安全连接已建立
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: 确认下面的代码与您的其他设备匹配:
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. 请确保您知道此代码的来源。通过连接设备,您将为某人提供对您账户的完全访问权限。
authentication_qr_login_loading_connecting_device Connecting to device 正在连接到设备
authentication_qr_login_loading_waiting_signin Waiting for device to sign in. 正在等待设备以登录。
authentication_qr_login_loading_signed_in You are now signed in on your other device. 您现在已经登录到另一个设备上。
authentication_qr_login_failure_title Linking failed 连接失败
authentication_qr_login_failure_device_not_supported Linking with this device is not supported. 不支持链接到此设备。
authentication_qr_login_failure_invalid_qr QR code is invalid. QR码无效。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_denied The request was denied on the other device. 请求在另一个设备上被拒绝。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_timed_out The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. 连接没有在规定的时间内完成。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
authentication_forgot_password_input_message %@ will send you a verification link %@将给你发一条验证链接
authentication_forgot_password_input_title Enter your email 输入你的电子邮件
authentication_forgot_password_text_field_placeholder Email 电子邮件
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_button Resend email 重发电子邮件
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_message Follow the instructions sent to %@ 按照发送到%@的说明操作
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_title Check your email. 检查你的电子邮件。
authentication_login_forgot_password Forgot password 忘记密码
authentication_login_title Welcome back! 欢迎回来!
authentication_login_username Username / Email / Phone 用户名/电子邮件/电话
authentication_login_with_qr Sign in with QR code 用QR码登录
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. 请确保您知道此代码的来源。通过连接设备,您将为某人提供对您账户的完全访问权限。
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: 确认下面的代码与您的其他设备匹配:
authentication_qr_login_confirm_title Secure connection established 安全连接已建立
authentication_qr_login_display_step1 Open Element on your other device 在您的其它设备中打开Element
authentication_qr_login_display_step2 Select ‘Sign in with QR code’ 选择“以QR码登入”
authentication_qr_login_display_subtitle Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out. 用你已登出的设备扫描下面的QR码。
authentication_qr_login_display_title Link a device 关联设备
authentication_qr_login_failure_device_not_supported Linking with this device is not supported. 不支持链接到此设备。
authentication_qr_login_failure_invalid_qr QR code is invalid. QR码无效。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_denied The request was denied on the other device. 请求在另一个设备上被拒绝。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_timed_out The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. 连接没有在规定的时间内完成。
authentication_qr_login_failure_retry Try again 再试一次
authentication_qr_login_failure_title Linking failed 连接失败
authentication_qr_login_loading_connecting_device Connecting to device 正在连接到设备
authentication_qr_login_loading_signed_in You are now signed in on your other device. 您现在已经登录到另一个设备上。
authentication_qr_login_loading_waiting_signin Waiting for device to sign in. 正在等待设备以登录。
authentication_qr_login_scan_subtitle Position the QR code in the square below 将QR码放置在下面的方框中
authentication_qr_login_scan_title Scan QR code 扫描QR码
authentication_qr_login_start_display_qr Show QR code on this device 在此设备显示QR码
authentication_qr_login_start_need_alternative Need an alternative method? 需要替代方法?
User avatar anonymous

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Suggested change:

6 months ago
User avatar anonymous

Suggestion added


Suggested change:

6 months ago
User avatar RS-Nocsi

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Suggested change:

a year ago


Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
6 months ago
User avatar None

Suggestion added

Element iOS / Element iOSChinese (Simplified)

Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
6 months ago
User avatar None

Suggestion added

Element iOS / Element iOSChinese (Simplified)

Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
6 months ago
Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
a year ago
Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
a year ago
Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out.
a year ago
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Things to check


There are 3 suggestions for this string.



English Chinese (Simplified)
Sign out 登出 Element iOS

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 167