
Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
authentication_qr_login_start_subtitle Use the camera on this device to scan the QR code shown on your other device: 用此设备的相机扫描显示在你的其他设备上的QR码:
authentication_qr_login_start_step1 Open Element on your other device 打开你的其他设备上的Element
authentication_qr_login_start_step2 Go to Settings -> Security & Privacy 前往设置->安全与隐私
authentication_qr_login_start_step3 Select ‘Link a device’ 选择“关联设备”
authentication_qr_login_start_step4 Select ‘Show QR code on this device’ 选择“在此设备显示QR码”
authentication_qr_login_start_need_alternative Need an alternative method? 需要替代方法?
authentication_qr_login_start_display_qr Show QR code on this device 在此设备显示QR码
authentication_qr_login_display_title Link a device 关联设备
authentication_qr_login_display_subtitle Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out. 用你已登出的设备扫描下面的QR码。
authentication_qr_login_display_step1 Open Element on your other device 在您的其它设备中打开Element
authentication_qr_login_display_step2 Select ‘Sign in with QR code’ 选择“以QR码登入”
authentication_qr_login_scan_title Scan QR code 扫描QR码
authentication_qr_login_scan_subtitle Position the QR code in the square below 将QR码放置在下面的方框中
authentication_qr_login_confirm_title Secure connection established 安全连接已建立
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: 确认下面的代码与您的其他设备匹配:
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. 请确保您知道此代码的来源。通过连接设备,您将为某人提供对您账户的完全访问权限。
authentication_qr_login_loading_connecting_device Connecting to device 正在连接到设备
authentication_qr_login_loading_waiting_signin Waiting for device to sign in. 正在等待设备以登录。
authentication_qr_login_loading_signed_in You are now signed in on your other device. 您现在已经登录到另一个设备上。
authentication_qr_login_failure_title Linking failed 连接失败
authentication_qr_login_failure_device_not_supported Linking with this device is not supported. 不支持链接到此设备。
authentication_qr_login_failure_invalid_qr QR code is invalid. QR码无效。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_denied The request was denied on the other device. 请求在另一个设备上被拒绝。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_timed_out The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. 连接没有在规定的时间内完成。
authentication_qr_login_failure_retry Try again 再试一次
password_validation_info_header Your password should meet the criteria below: 你的密码应该满足以下标准:
password_validation_error_header Given password does not meet the criteria below: 指定的密码不满足以下标准:
password_validation_error_min_length At least %d characters. 至少%d个字符。
password_validation_error_max_length Not exceed %d characters. 不超过%d个字符。
password_validation_error_contain_lowercase_letter Contain a lower-case letter. 包含一个小写字母。
password_validation_error_contain_uppercase_letter Contain an upper-case letter. 包含一个大写字母。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_message Check your inbox 检查你的收件箱
authentication_choose_password_not_verified_title Email not verified 电子邮件未验证
authentication_choose_password_signout_all_devices Sign out of all devices 登出全部设备
authentication_choose_password_submit_button Reset Password 重置密码
authentication_choose_password_text_field_placeholder New Password 新密码
authentication_forgot_password_input_message %@ will send you a verification link %@将给你发一条验证链接
authentication_forgot_password_input_title Enter your email 输入你的电子邮件
authentication_forgot_password_text_field_placeholder Email 电子邮件
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_button Resend email 重发电子邮件
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_message Follow the instructions sent to %@ 按照发送到%@的说明操作
authentication_forgot_password_waiting_title Check your email. 检查你的电子邮件。
authentication_login_forgot_password Forgot password 忘记密码
authentication_login_title Welcome back! 欢迎回来!
authentication_login_username Username / Email / Phone 用户名/电子邮件/电话
authentication_login_with_qr Sign in with QR code 用QR码登录
authentication_qr_login_confirm_alert Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account. 请确保您知道此代码的来源。通过连接设备,您将为某人提供对您账户的完全访问权限。
authentication_qr_login_confirm_subtitle Confirm that the code below matches with your other device: 确认下面的代码与您的其他设备匹配:
authentication_qr_login_confirm_title Secure connection established 安全连接已建立
authentication_qr_login_display_step1 Open Element on your other device 在您的其它设备中打开Element
authentication_qr_login_display_step2 Select ‘Sign in with QR code’ 选择“以QR码登入”
authentication_qr_login_display_subtitle Scan the QR code below with your device that’s signed out. 用你已登出的设备扫描下面的QR码。
authentication_qr_login_display_title Link a device 关联设备
authentication_qr_login_failure_device_not_supported Linking with this device is not supported. 不支持链接到此设备。
authentication_qr_login_failure_invalid_qr QR code is invalid. QR码无效。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_denied The request was denied on the other device. 请求在另一个设备上被拒绝。
authentication_qr_login_failure_request_timed_out The linking wasn’t completed in the required time. 连接没有在规定的时间内完成。
authentication_qr_login_failure_retry Try again 再试一次
authentication_qr_login_failure_title Linking failed 连接失败
authentication_qr_login_loading_connecting_device Connecting to device 正在连接到设备
authentication_qr_login_loading_signed_in You are now signed in on your other device. 您现在已经登录到另一个设备上。


Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
a year ago
Please ensure that you know the origin of this code. By linking devices, you will provide someone with full access to your account.
a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
access 获取权限 Element iOS
account 账户 Element iOS

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/zh_Hans.lproj/Vector.strings, string 174